Stay safe


Your health and safety come first ,follow government guidelines and stay safe.

The covid 19 virus is both frightening and devastating.

The drastic measures to keep people at home as the covid-19 pandemic spreads have decimated the small business sector.

These vital businesses provide local amenities and experiences that enrich our lives and anchor our communities, and they’re a critical source of income and wealth generation for their owners.

Because small businesses have greater credit constraints and are more sensitive to weak consumer demand, they are often hit the hardest in economic downturns. The covid-19 recession is uniquely damaging to them, especially those relying on foot traffic and social interaction.

Many of you like myself run small businesses and the current closures are reeking havoc on a lot of us.

In the footer of this page you will find links to financial help  during this pandemic.

We at T.R.C.E.D.S. (Twin rivers country economic development) will do all we can to help businesses through these lean times.

One bit of support we can offer is your own online shop free of charge to all our business members. You would have a full eCommerce site with your own payment gateway. You can also choose your own theme.

If you are interested and want to know more contact Eddie Williams 403 894 6414.



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