Glenwood Community Centre
To book this venue, contact the Village of Glenwood:
Location: 59 Main Avenue, Glenwood, Alberta
Phone: (403) 626-3233
Cubs, Scouts, and Ventures groups for boys from ages 8-18 and is open to the community. Contact is Myron Lybbert 403 360-8591.
Glenwood Beaver scouts
Beaver Scout group for boys and girls ages 5-8. Contact Sarah Lybbert at 403 308-5017 for more information.
Aged cheese club
The membership is open to any person over the age of 55 and welcome anyone interested to attend and see what we are all about.
Contact Myrna Young 403 626-366, Vernene Kutsch 403 626-3690 or Jolane Shipley 403 626-3491
Communities in Bloom
a volunteer based, Canadian non-profit organization, committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility, beautification and to improving quality of life through community .
Contact Myrna Young 403 626-3666
Glenwood Quilting Club
Meetings are held every 1st Thursday at the Glenwood Community Hall. From 10 am to 7 pm personal projects are worked on and then from 7 to 9 pm a general meeting is held where new quilt squares are demonstrated and newly made quilts are shared in a show and share time.
"Cuddle…. Communicate …. Connect”
Parents and young children between the ages of 0-4 come together to enjoy songs, rhymes, stories, a snack and a craft. This is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children. Children benefit from enjoyable, healthy, early experiences with language and communication.
Glenwood Libary
59 Main Avenue, Glenwood, Alberta
(please use south side entrance)
Phone: 403-393-7260
News Letter
To catch up on what’s happening in our community read the latest edition of our newsletter the Glenwood Neighbourly News mailed at the beginning of each month.
To submit items for inclusion in the newsletter please email them to: